Most pre-teens and teenagers look forward, in one way or another, to their wedding day. Maybe they see it as the day when their dreams come true. It could be the day they think adult life begins. It could be the idea of starting their own families that they will cherish. For those in love and ready to take the plunge, they look forward to the joining together with the one they will spend their lives with.
Our Best Days Are Ahead of Us
When you’re young, your life is ahead of you and there’s often much worth looking forward to. One temptation that comes with growing older is to think that your best days are behind you. You used to be more athletic. You used to have more fun with friends. You used to think more was possible. Whatever it is, the temptation is to look back instead of forward but for believers, God says our best days are still ahead of us.
Our glorious future is written about in Revelation 19:7-9 (NASB), which says, “‘Let’s rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.’ It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, ‘Write: “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.”‘”
The same way that many look forward to their wedding day on earth, every believer has an eternal wedding day to look forward to. This won’t be a day of small celebration either.
The party that happens during a wedding on earth won’t even compare to the heavenly joys we will experience with our Savior.
Even better, we will be introduced more fully into the deep, everlasting love of Jesus. We will experience His love in ways we could never have dreamed.
Ephesians 3:19 exhorts us to “know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.” If His love surpasses knowledge, that means we can never fully know it. It is beyond knowing—that’s how great it is. That means we will for eternity be going deeper and deeper into the knowledge of His love for us. Yet, at the same time, it tells us to know His love. That means that God doesn’t want us to wait until our wedding day to jump in.
God is calling every believer into a more intimate walk with Jesus day by day. His hope is that we would let Him strip off the cares and worries of this life, the failures that have condemned us and the fears that have kept us from Him so that we can surrender fully at the feet of the one who loves us unendingly.
Your best is yet to come but the joy of that day can begin now.
We can get the party started here. Revelation 19:9 says, “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast.” That day will be a day of overwhelming blessing but it does not specifically say we will be blessed. It says that we are already blessed. We are blessed to have access to the holy of holies where the lover of our souls dwells. We are blessed to walk by grace through faith, full of the hope and love of God.
Hey, Brother! I just wanted to share what I read from Romans yesterday that I think might help you. It said, “Be wise about what is good. Be innocent about what is evil.” I’m sure you already know there are limits to how much we should expose the deeds of wickedness, but I just felt compelled to share this to protect you and the ones you prophesy to. Bless you, brother! You are doing great! Keep up the good fight. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
Thank you for your comment.
– Troy Black Team Member
If we think our version of marriage is anything what God intended we are so wrong. Divine marriage is John 17:21-23 God is a God of order. Many things are wrong we think marriage is about us by us when it’s for God by God. Marriage is for kingdom people doing Gods will, a husband doing Gods will it’s up to God to bring him a helper, God joins together. But in our world of darkness we find our own spouse, we go our own way, we find a souse to make us happy. It’s selfish, it’s an emotional counterfeit love. Without Gods approval we find someone else to marry us and we get a state marriage license. Who said you can make unholy and ungodly alliances with the state? You just made the state the head of the home and the home is out of order. The state owns you, your spouse and kids. Go to court and you will find out the state has jurisdiction not God. Marriages fail because God does not recognize our fraud marriages. Then get your pastor involved and his 501c3 and you have another unholy alliance. Satan loves our form of marriage it gives him legal right into your front door! We are so ignorant! Take your flesh marriage, your pagan religion before the lord saying lord, lord we got married in your name, we read scripture, we sang songs, prayed before the meal, got drunk, signed a marriage license and guess what he will say? Depart from me you evildoer’s. You are called to be holy not come into agreement with the state and a 501c3. Wake up! You do not need permission to marry. Follow the Bible, write your marriage in the Bible but u better be doing his will or your marriage is unauthorized! Satan loves our version of marriage he can bring curses on us for generations and that is exactly what’s happening. God version of marriage is not failing it’s based on sacrificial love it endures all things. The few who find this union are resting in Him. The are men and women of another sort. They are separated from the world not signing contracts with them. Oh my!
Hello Chad!
Thank you for your message! I will be sure that Troy sees it. Abide in Christ, and look to His Word always.
– Troy Black Team Member