Author Troy Black

“Before you throw stones, remember that Jesus is the cornerstone you’re standing on. He chose mercy.”

“We often value the words of others too much and the words of God too little.”

“Meeting Jesus does not simply change your actions. It changes your identity.”

“The moment we think we don’t need God’s grace anymore is when we need it most.”

“Dear Pride, we can’t be friends anymore. I’m hanging out with Jesus now.”

“The work God can do in you is limited only by the access you give Him to your heart.”

“Hiding the word in your heart is more than simple memorization. The Pharisees memorized Scripture all day long, but they never hid it in their hearts. Hiding God’s word in your heart means asking yourself a question like this: ‘Do I really believe what God has said?’ Then it’s answering that question with trust and action.”

“Most of us have heard of the concept of God’s grace. Most of us have the idea of grace, but grace is more than just an idea. When we truly receive grace with truth, it becomes the method through which God changes us and makes us more like Jesus.”

“Hoping in circumstances is like hoping the ocean’s waves will stand still on their own. Circumstances are always changing. Hoping in God means trusting in the One who made the waves, walks on top of them when He wishes, and could make them stand still in a heartbeat. Unlike circumstances, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In a world of uncertainty, God is the Rock we can always trust to hold us steady.”

“Jesus was stripped of His dignity so that we could be free of our shame. His flesh was beaten, so that we could be healed. He lost His life, so that we could live. He rose again, so that we could die to self and walk in the new nature He provides.”

“God doesn’t use people who never make mistakes. There are no people like that. He uses people who admit mistakes & receive grace.”

“It wasn’t until I developed a healthy fear of God that I was able to recognize my need for grace, and it wasn’t until I understood the love of God that I was able to accept it.”

“We are going to be the most effective in sharing the gospel, not when we are weighed down with the burden of the task, but when we are overflowing with the joy of being free in Christ.”

“Our faith determines our actions. Our actions demonstrate our faith.”

“Faith is not simply hoping God will do what we want. It’s acting like God will do what He said.”

“I spent years of my life trying hard to prove what I could do for God. The day my life changed was when I finally understood what He had done for me.”

“Unity has little to do with our differences or similarities. It has everything to do with the cross we are each holding onto.”

“When your value is determined by what Jesus did for you on the cross, it cannot be lessened by what anyone else thinks of you.”

“God’s love reveals our value, but it doesn’t puff us up with pride. It builds up our spirit but not our ego. It’s a humbling love that takes the focus off of us and puts the focus back on God. It shows how perfect He is despite how imperfect we have been. It frees us from fear. It changes us.”