This blog post was written by my wife Leslie.
I really love to read. I enjoy exploring places with my mind that I may never see with my eyes. I find myself re-reading my favorite stories more often than trying to find new ones. With each revisit a new layer of the book opens itself to me or an old layer acquires a fresh relevancy in my life. One of my favorite books to re-examine is White Fang by Jack London. The narrator and main character is a wolf-dog hybrid that is captured from the wild by a Native American. His life is marked by the cruelty and harshness shown him. His character becomes irreversibly set; he is an outsider, hated and revered by his own kind and humankind. He is loyal to his master, however, and fiercely defends all that his master owns. He tries to leave his master several times and never fully succeeds. Though White Fang’s life in the wild before he was captured beckons to him, his nature is now formed to be the servant of one master.
His next master is much worse than the first: a hideous madman who pits him against other dogs in a cage to win money. These fights are to the death and White Fang must kill or be killed. He never loses a fight until he is put in the cage with a bulldog whose fighting style is to grip onto the neck of his opponent, lock his jaws, and slowly work into a tighter grip until his victim is throttled. White Fang has no counterattack for this style and starts to lose consciousness.
Suddenly, a passing man sees the fighting dogs and the rowdy men who have bet on them. Calling them cowards, he works to unlock the jaw of the bulldog and save White Fang. For the first time in his life, White Fang is shown mercy. The next chapter in the book is called The Love Master. This is the part of the book that is more poignant to me every time I read it. His new master transforms him from the wild snarling outsider into an excellent sled dog and companion. Never shown love in his life, White Fang is bonded inextricably to this man by the mercy and love shown him.
Have you ever felt like life has gotten you by the throat, and you have no way out? Jesus was sent to “proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed…” (Luke 4:18) and He is the only one whose mercy can save and transform you. I relate so much to White Fang in this story, I have served a master that never gave me mercy and discarded me as soon as it had no more use for me. I have felt the pressures of the world throttling the life out of me. Though I was blind to it, God saw the pitiful state I was in and saved me. I was what Revelation 3:15-18 was written about. I was badly in need of rescue and God could see it much more clearly than me. He showed me love when I had none to give in return. I have read and re-read this story and it never becomes stale to me; Jesus loved me and saved me from certain death and became the only Master worthy of my undying adoration. I am his bondservant and the bond between us is love.
Bro. Troy. I just came across your video where you were speaking of the Prophetess that God spoke to you about. She prophesied probably more than 100 years ago. My husband and I were walking together as Christians. He saw the commercial saying “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy”. He joined the SDA church. He told me his pastor and the SDA church has given him approval to divorce me. He believes we’re unequally yoked because I’m breaking the 4th commandment. So he removed his wedding ring, said we can’t live together because I’m not to work or I can’t live with him because I don’t keep the Sabbath. It’s been 2 years since he has been in pursuit of another wife. I shared with him all the information that you shared. But he said we worship the “sun god” because we worship on Sunday. I talked to his pastor. My husband said we had to come out of her. I told him that’s a spiritual coming out. We’re in the world but not of the world. It’s not a physical leaving to another country. He told me he had to believe his pastor because he’s his leader. He was supposed to flee to Central America March this year 2024. When I asked him when was he leaving. He said his pastor told him it meant coming out of the Sunday church so he has already done that. My husband told me I’m lost and he’s done everything as my husband to lead me but I won’t follow. I told his pastor that the Holy Spirit did not give him those words to give to my husband. I told him flesh and blood revealed that to him. Nevertheless, he can divorce me as he believes that’s what he should do but I’m going to continue believing in Jesus in my heart and confessing Him with my mouth. I know I’m saved and have been filled with the Holy Ghost. I wanted to send your video to my husband but he told me Ellen G. White is the only true Prophetess and he/they don’t hear anyone else. Keep doing what you’re doing in the Lord. When I went to visit my husband before his Sabbath started he had another woman in our 5th wheel and told me they were getting ready to go to sleep and get ready for the Sabbath. I told him, even though I didn’t see her. She didn’t come out of the 5th wheel. I said if she didn’t leave our house and our property I would go and get the authorities and have them excort her off the property. I left and when I returned he had moved his truck from hiding her vehicle, she was gone. He told me the voice I hear is not God and when Jesus return he’ll say, I know you not. I know this is not so. I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, strength and might. I love my neighbor as myself. He said there are 12 commandments. If I break one (not keeping the Sabbath), I’ve broken them all. I told his pastor, I love my husband and I’m concerned about his soul. But now, he’s on his watch. God bless you brother
Hello Patricia,
Thank you for your message. I will be sure Troy sees it, and we are praying for you. I encourage you to remember that no matter what any man or woman says, always take it to the Lord in prayer and to His Word. Jesus Christ is the only Way, Truth, and Life. Look to what Christ spoke in His Word. Lean into the presence of the Lord. I pray that God surrounds you with people who speak in truth, and who are genuinely loving. Stand strong upon your identity in Christ! In Christ, you are made whole, you are loved, you have been given righteousness, and you are highly treasured. Praying for you, dear sister.
In Christ,
Troy Black Team Member
Hi, Thank you for your writing posts and all the work that you have been doing as a family who loves and glorifies and spreads the message of our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ’s love.
God bless you and your family and friends and God help us all to remember to be faithful to uplifting the name and message of Jesus instead of anything that we might be able to accomplish in the world. It’s never about money or worldly success. It is always about drawing closer to personal relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
For our own good may the focus always be away from ourselves primarily and primarily unto the saving work of the Holy Trinity who gives and takes away and yet, let us say with Job, blessed be his name still.
As a convicted believer I am learning that the less we focus on our own success and the more we focus on the spiritual success of the Lord Jesus Christ for all of us, the more free and joyful we can be now and in the next life. Please, Mr. and Mrs. Black, share with each other. I hope to remain your anonymous sibling in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray you continue to reach many souls for Christ with the simple and love-filled transformative message of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We live in troublesome times and sometimes we can put our focus on trying to protect ourselves or advance our careers but God takes care of the Lillies of the Valley, the birds of the air and us, if we just remain faithful to preach his straightforward message without adding what we might think will make people like us more. It is not about being liked. It is about lifting up and supporting and trusting in the transformative work of the One who gives us every breath that we are breathing and because of his death and resurrection after we die and that personal relationship with him.
Love and prayers for you and the whole world. Jesus have mercy upon us and change our hearts for the better where we must, to be saved.