My Mess by Troy Black

My Mess

Believe it or not, a story about grace

My Mess is all about grace. It’s the story of how I was trapped in sin, struggling with pornography, fighting addictions, completely alone, living for myself, and not caring who I hurt in the process. In my desperation, I called out to God, looking for just a taste of His acceptance. Instead, I was plunged into an ocean of grace I didn’t think was possible.

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Move Past Your Mess

If you feel trapped—like it’s been forever since you’ve had any hope: you can find renewed hope in Jesus Christ. Romans 10:11 says, “For the Scripture says, ‘WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.’” As disappointed as we often feel, it can be hard to take this verse seriously. In this book, I share two personal stories of disappointment. The first mess I got myself into. The second mess happened on it’s own. Both times, I battled the oppressive voice of hopelessness. However, both messes ended with God showing up and pulling me out. Both times, He proved His Word true.

No mess is too dirty for God to clean up. No hole is too deep. No shadow is too dark. If you’re in a mess, it’s time to be set free. It’s time to overcome sin through the power of grace. It’s time to win against emptiness and loneliness through the presence of Jesus. It’s time to seek God and find the purpose that He put you here to accomplish.

My Mess by Troy Black

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