Have you ever wondered if you are hearing God’s voice or the devil’s in your life? In the Garden of Eden, Satan came to deceive the first humans, and he is still up to his tricks today. I’ve had many people tell me, “I think I’m hearing God, but I’m not sure. I’m scared it’s the devil.” Well, you don’t have to wonder. You can know for certain whether the impressions you receive are from God or not. Here are 5 Biblical truths to strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you learn to listen with faith and wisdom.
1. God’s Voice Sets You Free
The voice of the devil can come in many forms. He can tempt us through the media, through a friend or acquaintance, and even by throwing a thought at us that he hopes we will grab onto and believe as truth. However, there is a characteristic his voice carries that gives him away. His words always push us into bondage. The devil points us toward sin cycles, shame, and condemnation, but God directs us to true freedom.
When God speaks, He breaks the chains of sin and shame.
2 Corinthians 3:13-17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
Directly before this, the Scripture contrasts freedom with a hardened or dull mind that is not open to the new covenant work of the Holy Spirit. Are the words you are hearing sending you back into sin or works-righteousness? That’s the devil. Are the words you are hearing setting you free and keeping you free? That’s God.
It sounds straight forward, but let’s dive a little deeper.
2. God’s Voice Does Not Change
Another one of the devil’s tricks is to misrepresent truth. He has the audacity to tell us that what is clearly labeled as sin in the Bible does not really count as sin for us. In 1 Timothy 4:1, Paul mentions that as we approach the return of Jesus, many will be deceived by doctrines of demons. The good news is that we don’t have to be deceived. We can trust God when He says He never changes.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.”
The words God inspired in Scripture are still true today, and we can verify that we are hearing God’s voice when it lines up with the Bible.
It is important to study the Word in context and to note which covenant a commandment falls under. However, even the commandments in the Old Testament can still speak truth to us today. Even if the letter of the law no longer applies, the principle God used to create the commandments are still in play. To understand how to live, we must know more than commandments. We must get to know God’s character. It takes a personal relationship.
Thankfully, both truth and grace were revealed through Jesus. That means that, even if you have fallen into a deceptive trap laid out by the enemy, there is grace and forgiveness available right now. All you have to do is return to the Good Shepherd who loves you and died for you.
3. God’s Voice Produces Life
Jesus says in John 6:63, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh provides no benefit. The words that I have spoken to you – they are full of the spirit and life.”
Jesus warns us in John 10 that the devil (like when your friend brings their sugar-filled toddler over to your house) comes to steal and destroy. Following Satan’s words ultimately leads to death. This death can be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. In contrast, the words of God are life-giving. Jesus definitively promises us abundant life as we follow Him.
So, how can you tell if life or death is occurring? Jesus said His spiritual words are life, so we simply need to examine the works (or fruit) of the Spirit.
I encourage you to read Galatians 5:16-26. Paul lists many of the differences between spiritual fruit and fleshly fruit. As you read, let the Holy Spirit speak. The places in life you see the fruit of the Spirit, you can trust you are being led by His voice.
Remember, it’s not up to you to change in your own strength. When you rely on the grace of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the beautiful message of the gospel, you will see godly fruit.
4. God’s Voice Builds Faith
I know we’re time-traveling a lot today, but let’s go back to the garden again. The serpent planted seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind by questioning what God had said. He said, “Did God really say?” He asks the same question to us today.
Here’s an example: the Word of God encourages generosity, especially in connection with winning lost souls to Christ. However, the devil may come with a thought, “If you give what God asked, you won’t have enough for yourself.” Jesus’ words in Luke 6:38 directly appose that idea when He says, “Give, and it will be given to you.”
Are the words and ideas you are listening to building your faith in God’s ability and willingness to fulfill His promises, or are they causing you to doubt God?
Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
If what you’re hearing is shrinking your faith, change what you hear. The Holy Spirit’s voice will team up with Scripture in your life to set you on a path of belief.
5. God’s Voice Directs Us to Follow Jesus
They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill. Satan is the master of distractions. He’s been practicing for thousands of years.
Satan’s scheme isn’t just to distract us with worldly passions. Religious distractions work just as well. If he can get us following enough people-made rules that we miss out on relationship, he has succeeded. He doesn’t care what you get hung up on, as long as it’s not Jesus.
This is one of the voices Satan has used in my own life: the voice of religiosity. I used to think God’s love for me was based on my works for Him, but that is a lie. The first time I heard the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, He corrected the lie of self-righteousness that had been leading my life. Instead, He told me that Jesus alone is the path to righteousness. His voice pointed me to my Savior.
Religion will make people respond to God in weird ways. In John 10, Jesus is accused of being filled with a demon. The people were standing right in front of Him, and they couldn’t tell the difference between the devil and the Son of God.
One person in the crowd made a simple observation that I want to point out. In John 10:21, we hear, “…A demon cannot open the eyes of those who are blind, can it?”
Where Jesus goes, His power goes. If lives are being transformed, you don’t have to question if it’s God or the devil. The devil has no ability to change us for good. He can only destroy and mimic.
Jesus wants to use you to do the same things He was doing while on earth. You might be thinking, “I can’t cast out demons and heal the sick.” No, not in your own strength you can’t. But if you are walking with Jesus and listening to His voice, He can use you to do the impossible. Most importantly, Jesus wants the same power He demonstrated on earth to work in and through us to reach the world with the gospel.
“To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he puts all his own sheep outside, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. However, a stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.”
John 10:3-7
Jesus, I pray that You call us back to Your side with your loving voice. You are the Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep. We want to know Your voice. We want to hear You clearly and follow after you, no matter where You lead us. Have our hearts and our lives today. Amen.
Beautifully said, Troy.
Thank you for teaching us how to listen to God’s voice.
Many blessings to you and your family, Diana in California
Highly impactful. God bless you sir
God bless you!