The Word of God promises us that we can have hope even in the hardest of times. We get to claim this promise by abiding in Christ. However, how often do we look for hope in our circumstances instead of in Jesus? My prayer is that as you read this book, you will get to know Him on a more personal level and allow His love and His Spirit to renew your strength. I believe that with Jesus, there is always hope.

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The same way winning a marathon requires a high level of physical fitness, we must be spiritually fit in order to run well the life God has set before us.
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Inspire Your Walk with Christ
I invite you to join me for the next 30 days on a journey filled with hope. As you read this book, my desire is that you will develop a closer walk with Jesus Christ and a greater understanding of His love for you. I believe that the more in step we are with our Savior, the more our days will be filled with hope and our actions will be inspired by grace.
These devotionals cover topics such as peace, strength, direction, courage, passion, provision, and acceptance. I use stories and illustrations to paint a clear picture of how God’s amazing grace can be applied to different areas of life.